Sunday, April 6, 2008

...and when the morning comes

So I woke up today with my ankles throbbing. While this is not uncommon, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a correlation between the three pints of beer I had last night and this particular flare up. The Internet proved to be of little help in my inquiry. Apparently there has not been a lot of research of the effects of drinking and those who suffer from PA. Although this site did mention something I found interesting...

"Alcohol appears to affect psoriasis in men more strongly than in women. One study found that heavy drinking actually lowered treatment response in men. Other studies have shown that men with psoriasis drink more than men without, that there is a significantly higher incidence of psoriasis in alcoholics, and that abstinence can improve the severity of the disease.", the site then goes on to say that in men, abstinence from alcohol seems to show significant improvement in psoriasis. I found it interesting that men tend to drink more with psoriasis than other men who do not, is it because of self esteem or depression? Or is there something genetic ? Maybe alcoholics are more likely to have psoriasis? Very interesting indeed, I will certainly update here if I find out anymore on this topic.

Although I am still unclear as to whether alcohol is the cause of my joint pain, and I am feeling a tad bit lazy to look into liver and kidney disease this morning, my psoriasis has kicked in for entirely different reasons than alcohol.

Oh Sundays! My dreaded cleaning days.
While I try to always wear gloves when I am cleaning, I ALWAYS ,ALWAYS, get a flare up of psoriasis. I guess it's pretty difficult to not get any bit of cleaner on my hands, and I tend to wash them more often on cleaning days. But,like I stated before, my Psoriasis is a really not that bad, just sorta ugly and a little painful, and it does not occur often. I am very lucky and grateful for that. But still, it does not feel good to have to be self conscious about something as "silly" as the skin on your fingers when hanging out with people. But, such is life,

at least, life with PA.

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