Saturday, April 5, 2008

Saturday night burns a redness on my face...

Those of us who take NSAIDs for more than just the occasional headache are aware of the risks of taking them while drinking. Depending on the drug of choice, you can risk ulcers, kidney, and/or liver problems. As a 24 year-old girl in her prime, I often choose to ignore this, or rather put it aside. This act of torture adds an extra sense of worry to my Sunday morning hangovers. That is until I ask myself, just how bad could a few drinks be?

For me, plans are not often made until at least 9pm on Saturday nights, and those of us with arthritis know that our old bones start to ache way before that on any given day. So what's a girl to do?

Not drink. Yes. Easy answer,I suppose, and although I have cut down quite a bit in the past couple of years, I do occasionally indulge myself in a few drinks now and again (knowing I probably just popped a pill a couple of hours before).

Well, here I am again with the same Saturday night dilemma. I am off again, and I have not decided yet whether I will let that Tylenol haunt me into not drinking. I suppose I will let you know tomorrow when I inevitably drown myself in Internet literature concerning liver disease. Expect a full briefing. Until then... Cheers!

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