Thursday, April 10, 2008

"It will be okay. Give yourself a break."

I have anxiety issues.
I hate being late, I hate standardized tests, and I hate it when people get the wrong impression of me. I go to Temple University, and whenever I am absent due to sickness (like today) I tend to sit in bed and think of all the work that is piling up (something I am sure does not help my recovery process).
Typically, it will take me a night of NyQuil induced sleep and a few hours of laying around in the morning to start feeling like myself. Not today. I have the same headache I've had for a few days now and my bones are revolting against me.
I know PA has something to do with the immune system, but isn't my immune system supposed to work overtime or something? Then why do I keep getting sick a couple of times each season? Oh, silly,wishful, thinking.
Of course there is no specific PA info out there on this matter, but for those with RA (and assuming it's the same with PA, as so many studies do)

"Your immune system is responsible for keeping your body healthy; it attacks any invading cells or bacteria to keep you from getting sick. People with rheumatoid arthritis, however, seem to have a dysfunctional immune system. It attacks healthy cells throughout the tissue and joints, causing inflammation "

I therefore assume this can of course, make it easier for RA patients to get sick.

Now I am wondering why I do not get sick more often? As I said I get sick maybe 1 or 2 times a season, and it never lasts more than a few days (except for this doozy of a cold I am dealing with now).

I have a great (vegan) diet, mostly fresh fruits, veggies, soy milk, grape nuts, black coffee (not so great), and tofu. I also make sure I am on the up and up with my Vitamin C daily, so perhaps I am doing well for someone with PA?
Maybe I will bring this up to my Doctor at my next appointment (which I still have to make, tsk, tsk).


Anonymous said...

Hello. I just stumbled across your blog while searching for information relating to diet and PA. I have been a pesco-vegetarian for 15 years or so (eat seafood), am 34, and have been trying many “natural” ways to stop the progress of my PA. It’s an ongoing process.

Have you checked out the National Psoriasis Foundation boards? In particular, I’d like to direct you to the “alternative treatments” thread - Lots of information for you to scroll through.

I would suggest you stop intaking inflammatory foods/beverages – no alcohol, no coffee, no tobacco, cut back on the nightshades (tomato, eggplant, peppers of any kind – black pepper is fine). This may be tough, but cut cold turkey and see how your body responds after a couple of weeks. You may see a difference!

Good luck!


Ms. B. said...

I have been trying to cut out nightshades as you said, the two that get me are of course coffee and alcohol (and actually the coffee more than the alcohol)but I am definately throwing around the idea of cutting it all out, however, I may wait until finals season is over at school- maybe I will do so while I am Jamaica in June,or when I get back in July either way I think I will pick a month this summer and blog about it. Who knows, maybe I'll feel so good that I will give it all up completely.Thank you for your comment!