Saturday, April 12, 2008

Night Sweats and School Projects...

Yesterday was awful, today seems to be okay thus far (although I have yet to eat anything since 3pm yesterday). Last night I kept waking up from night sweats, which I am hoping means whatever fever I may have had was breaking. Plllleeeease let this be the last of this cold.

To top it off, it is the end of the semester, and I have one large project due after another in school. I am going to walk over to Temple's Center City campus in hopes to seclude myself from any distractions (but since I am like a cat ::ooo shiny objects!::) this probably won't work out so well.
Anyhow, the good news is my joints stopped hurting, and I have decided to go back onto the Meloxicam my Doctor prescribed for me a few months ago. When he prescribed it, I only gave it a month, and although I still had pain during that month, I didn't have pain like I had been experiencing these last few days. I also have to make sure this doesn't happen when I get to Jamaica, so being on some kind of medication would be smart.

Okay, while I may post a little more later, I am off now to do a project on Animal Language (not the worst topic in the world). Let's hope I can stay focused and my hips stay happy.

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